Academies at Olympic Heights offer many opportunities for high schoolers to experience real-world work situations
Olympic Heights High School welcomes students into a world of many possibilities. Not only do students learn basic math, English, science, and history, but they also have the opportunity to take an academy class that will prepare them for their future careers.
Olympic Heights offers 7 academies, including Engineering and Technology, Early Childhood, Hospitality and Tourism, Culinary, Finance, Marine Corps Junior ROTC, and Olympians Advanced Placement Academy (OAPA). Each academy requires students to take a course that focuses on the program each year, from freshman year until senior year.
For students to be placed into an academy, they must apply at the end of their 8th grade year.

Early Childhood Academy
Taught by Heidi Mansa, Early Childhood prepares high schoolers for careers in child-related occupations. Students gain teaching experiences through the Little Lions Preschool located at Olympic Heights. By taking this course, students can prepare for career opportunities in teaching, child psychology, social work, preschool ownership, and more. Throughout the course, “Students complete lessons on different stories, holidays, or fun activities that they prepare to implement in the Little Lions PK,” stated Mansa. Students also get an opportunity to get industry-certified through the program. They are also encouraged to join the Florida Future Educators of America (FFEA) club, which is aimed at students interested in pursuing a career in education. Members participate in community service-related activities as well as developing leadership skills and exploring the teaching profession.
Culinary Academy
The Culinary Arts program, taught by Dianna Levene, Lenny Judice, and Tracy Marhefka, introduces students to various careers in the food service industry. The program emphasizes proficiency in food production and cooking, cost control, nutrition, sanitation, and workplace safety, as well as enhancing skills in restaurant management. Students will earn Safe-Staff, ServSafe Industry Certification, and Food Safety Manager Certificate upon passing the required certifications.

Academy of Hospitality and Tourism
Taught by Tracy Marhefka, the Hospitality and Tourism program provides the opportunity to learn about and prepare for the profession with hands-on experiences for those interested in travel, tourism, hotels/resorts, food and beverage, attractions, cruise ships, meeting and event planning, and more. Students are highly encouraged to join DECA, a nationally known student organization, and will be co-curricular within the classroom. Industry certifications offered for the students include Entrepreneurship & Small Business Certification, Front Desk Supervisor, and Social Media Specialist Certification. “The past four years in the Hospitality and Tourism Academy have not only helped me develop strong skills to succeed in the industry, but it has also taught me the leadership and management aspects of the business,” Joseph Gallo, senior at Olympic Heights High School, expressed.

Marine Corps Junior ROTC Program
The Marine Corps JROTC program, instructed by Master Sergeant Carlos Jarquin and Master Sergeant Wayne Byron, aims to develop informed and responsible citizens with leadership skills, integrity, and strong character. “ JROTC is about each student learning about introspection and seeking self-improvement to grow as an individual in all areas to become a more successful and productive adult citizen in life,” claims Master Sergeant Byron. The curriculum presented stresses young men and women’s self-discipline, confidence, and leadership skills that will help them succeed in the future. Competitions are held throughout the year between other JROTC units in the county, as well as many events ranging from US military bases to team building events.

Finance Academy
Taught by John Voytilla, Cheryl Marshall Shimmel, and Katherine Celestino, the Finance Academy allows each student to “learn about the economy, the world of business, and how to organize their finances,” Voytilla expressed. It allows each child to build connections, gain insight into finance, and plan for the future. The curriculum emphasizes the concepts of banking, financial planning, securities, insurance, accounting, and entrepreneurship. Students will earn the Industry Certification in QuickBooks and Financial Literacy. Finance students are members of the Future Business Leaders of America club ( FBLA), which allows those to compete in competitions that test their knowledge of business and finance, gain community service hours, and learn how to work in leadership positions.
Academy of Engineering
The Academy of Engineering, directed by Erica Cheva, Maria Martinez, and Angela Mitchell, is a four-year program, certified by Project Lead the Way, which enables an engaging, hands-on classroom environment, for those interested in the field of engineering and computer science. Students participate in a variety of competitions including, the annual Congressional App Challenge, Student Astronaut Challenge, Zero Robotics Competition (sponsored by MIT), AWWA Water Tower Competition, and Cyberpatriot Competition (created by the Air Force Association). Students get an opportunity to get Industry Certification in AutoDesk Inventor, AutoDesk Revit Applications, and Python.
Olympians Advanced Placement Academy (OAPA)
Created by Kelly Lawrence, the Olympians Advanced Placement Academy is a demanding, accelerated, and challenging program designed to support the successful completion of advanced placement coursework. Beginning in their freshman year, a selected number of students follow a strict course filled with honors, AICE, and AP classes. To meet the criteria required to be eligible for the program, students “must have earned all A’s and B’s in all courses in seventh and eighth grade, a 4 or 5 on FAST ELA in seventh and eighth grade, and a 4 or 5 on the BEST Algebra 1 EOC exam in seventh grade or on the BEST Algebra 1 EOC or Geometry EOC in eighth grade,” stated Lawrence. This competitive course track also allows OAPA students to achieve extra monitoring and assistance from college planners, teachers, and guidance counselors.
With exciting academy classes geared toward student success after high school graduation, this is a wonderful opportunity for students to achieve certifications now to prepare them for the future.