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The award-winning student news site of Olympic Heights High School

The Torch

  • Varsity Boys Soccer Team are Regional Champions!!!
  • The Girls Wrestling team placed 2nd out of 18 teams at the county tournament.
  • Congratulations to the OH Varsity Cheerleading Team for winning the State Championship!
  • Congratulations to the Girls Weightlifting team on winning the District Championship 4 years in a row!
  • Congratulations Michelle August for being selected as OH's January Non-Instructional Employee of the Month
  • Congratulations John Voytilla for being selected as OH's January Instructional Employee of the Month
  • Welcome Olympic Heights' New Varsity Baseball Coach Victor Gutierrez!
The award-winning student news site of Olympic Heights High School

The Torch

The award-winning student news site of Olympic Heights High School

The Torch

Bianca Carbo

Bianca Carbo, Features Co-Editor

Bianca is a senior and Co-Features Editor for The Torch.  She is the communications manager for Science Olympiads and co-president of the Newspaper Club.

All content by Bianca Carbo