OH Wrestling Tops Coaches’ Pre-Season Poll

As the wrestling season approaches, a poll of area coaches conducted by The Palm Beach Post has the Olympic Heights squad as the pre-season top team in the county.
Of the 14 weight classes, a whopping 10 of them include OH wrestlers as among the top five wrestlers in their respective classifications. Three OH wrestlers are ranked number one in their respective weight class: Dan Georges (160), Laurence Kosoy (170), and Benjamin Asadoorian (182).
Four other OH wrestlers are ranked as the second best in their respective weight class: Eric Lentz (145), Sam Cannova (162), Alexi Castro (195), and Stefan Singer (285). The other three OH grapplers polling in the top five of their weight classes are Ethan Altabet (126), Blake Grout (138), and Garrett Davidofsky (220).
With the wrestling pre-season tournaments starting the week of Thanksgiving, and the actual season starting the following week, if the coaches’ poll exemplary ranking for OH is any indication, the upcoming season promises to be a fruitful one for Coach Boomer Mears and his wrestlers.