The Ellen DeGeneres Show entering final season amid allegations of a toxic workplace created by its star
Ellen DeGeneres recently announced that the upcoming 19th season of her daytime comedy talk show will be its last.
Ellen DeGeneres has been a recognizable name to most people over the past two decades. Recently, she decided that the upcoming 19th season of her daytime comedy talk show The Ellen DeGeneres Show will be the last. The public has many opinions about the news, some good, others not so much. The controversy is due to DeGeneres’ staff and guests who have recently revealed that she is rude, nasty, and does not treat her employees properly.
The Ellen DeGeneres Show debuted on September 8, 2003. From the start, DeGeneres has had many famous people onto her show over the years to speak, share, or even host. However, troubling news was recently released that the show consists of a “toxic work environment.” While the public continues to choose their sides, so have famous people who have been featured on the show.
Some students at Olympic Heights have their own opinions as well. Senior Robbie Sternberg says, “Ellen DeGeneres has been a titan in the TV talk show industry for decades now.” However, he adds, “I’m not too phased by her show ending.” It is clear why many people are not shocked that her show is coming to an end with all of the outbursts of the bad treatment her workers have suffered through. Sternberg continues, “I can see how the general public is upset.”
Many people have been DeGeneres fans for a long time, and for teenagers that has been their entire lives. Many of those fans are saddened the show is coming to an end. “I am kind of upset [that] Ellen’s show is ending,” OH senior Brooke Sefton states. “I really enjoyed watching her, and I thought she was funny. I also liked watching her whenever she interviewed the Kardashians.”
Many share Sefton’s disappointment. People could not see what was going behind the scenes. It was an enjoyable show to watch, and that was all it was. In addition, DeGeneres did bring a variety of famous people on her show to talk, so it is understandable that some people are upset to not have that anymore.
According to Insider, actor Brad Garrett, who played Robert Barone on the sitcom Everybody Loves Raymond which ran from 1996 through 2005, called DeGeneres out on Twitter, posting that he knew “more than one person” who were treated horribly by DeGeneres, adding that her behavior was “common knowledge.” On the other hand, there are people such as media executive Scooter Braun who support DeGeneres calling her a “‘kind, thoughtful, courageous, human being.”
In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter DeGeneres claimed that she is not quitting the show due to the allegations, adding that if she were she “wouldn’t have come back this season.” DeGeneres later implied that she was surprised of the allegations of a toxic workplace, commenting, “Unfortunately, I learned that through the press.” She added, “in this culture we’re living in, no one can make mistakes.”
While the viewing public may never know the true story, everything must come to an end, and for The Ellen DeGeneres Show, the end is near.