Mr. and Miss OH Going All Out to Make Homecoming 2018 Something Special

Mr. and Miss OH, Mag Pierre and Sabrina Katz
Sabrina Katz and Mag Pierre, AKA Mr. and Miss OH, with one pep rally under their belts, are now gearing up for next week’s Homecoming festivities. This dynamic duo is chock full of creative ways to get involved as evidenced by the way they got the student ready to rock and pumped up at the first pep rally of the school year.
Being crowned Mr. and Miss OH is definitely a huge honor and requires students who represent the entire student body. The administrative members who carefully select the new king and queen of our school are looking for students who inspire spirit, passion, and take pride in the school.
Pierre thinks he fits that role, explaining, “I feel as if I have a good connection with the students of our school and look to make that connection stronger by implementing and making the events they want to happen a reality.” This was evident at the first pep rally as both Mr. and Miss OH choreographed and performed a dance to viral hits of today’s pop culture. Their clever entrance was met with thunderous applause and cheers from excited students in the stands, and was a sure fire way to achieve Pierre’s goal of connecting with students by playing to what they find entertaining.
While that first pep rally was a memorable one, Mr. and Miss OH are eager to showcase all of their ideas to the students and staff at OH with the upcoming Homecoming week festivities. Homecoming is one of OH’s biggest events and Mr. and Miss OH are responsible for planning this school dance and selecting the theme. Katz says, “The Homecoming theme for this year is Under the Sea. We chose this because it is a unique theme in which we can make the dance and spirit week unlike anything anyone has ever seen before.” Katz, Pierre, and the Student Government Association have been working hard to make sure this year’s Homecoming is an event that will definitely make a splash.
In addition to creating a spirited school environment, Pierre also makes note that he wants to focus on what the entire student body wants to see in their school events. He explains, “I want to come up with more events after school and events that will incorporate a mix of faculty and students to both build a better bond between the two as well as boost school spirit”.
That is the exactly the kind of attitude that is expected and needed from our school leaders, and Mr. and Miss OH clearly plan on encouraging more school unity and pride. When a school’s environment is fun and spirited, it certainly makes for a more memorable and enriching experience for students and staff alike, and that is exactly what this year’s Mr. and Miss OH are aiming for.