Celebrities going online to entertain and raise pandemic relief funds offer a welcome quarantine distraction
The iHeartRadio Living Room Concert for America that raised over $10 million for pandemic relief, featured (from left to right); Elton John, Billie Eilish, Billy Joe Armstrong, Alicia Keys, Mariah Carey, and a host of other celebrities.
As people have begun to adjust to the life of staying inside during self-quarantine, many celebrities have taken their talents online in order to bring joy to their fans during these tough times. As America continues to deal with the current pandemic, celebrities have stepped up, trying to make the world a better place. Artists, comedians, and even news broadcasters have been filming at home in order to show the public how to tackle the coronavirus through social distancing.
Beginning March 17, Jimmy Fallon has been filming The Tonight Show from his house. Being that he was one of the first celebrities to start filming at home, he may have influenced others as well. While his shows the past month have not been like his “usual” shows, they are still something that many people look forward to.
Fallon’s family has also been helping to make his shows even better. Through the use of the Internet, Fallon has still been able to have celebrities on his show. Some of the people that have been on his show this past month include Lady Gaga, Justin Timberlake, and Adam Sandler. Fallon filming his show from his home also stresses the importance of staying at home.
On March 29, 2019 Elton John hosted the iHeartRadio Living Room Concert for America. The concert included performances by Alicia Keys, Camilla Cabello, Shawn Mendes, Billie Joe Armstrong, Tim McGraw, Demi Lovato, and Mariah Carey. Most of the artists performed from their living rooms giving the audience a worthwhile experience.
In more normal times, the celebrities are out on a big stage performing, but seeing these big stars perform from their houses was intriguing. Olympic Heights junior Brooke Sefton said that the iHearRadio concert “helped [her] realize that everyone else is in the same predicament and stuck at home.” Sefton said that seeing the performers in their homes “provides a sense of humor and relief in this unprecedented time.”
Over 8.7 million people watched the iHeartRadio concert. The purpose of the concert was to raise money for COVID-19 relief; in total $10 million was raised, making the show a success both artistically and financially.
Over the past six weeks, many celebrities have been going live on Instagram Live to converse, perform, and connect. Justin Timberlake, Demi Lovato, Miley Cyrus, John Legend, Chrissy Tiegen, Hilary Duff, and Cardi B are some of the many celebrities participating in Instagram Lives. Instagram allows for a user to go live and for their followers to watch, comment, and like.
While on the live Instagram Lives, the celebrities are also bringing up ways to help out with pandemic relief. The Instagram Lives have made an incredible impact on the past month as people are stuck at home, but are still being entertained. Oh junior Kelsey Altschul agrees that “the live streams keep people entertained so they don’t think about being stuck at home as much.” Being able to join the Instagram Lives are a pleasant distraction for everyone who is confined to their homes.
While self-quarantining is tough, it is important for everyone to continue with social distancing. One way to pass the time is to watch the content that the celebrities have been producing. For example, watching The Tonight Show, watching Elton John’s iHeartRadio Living Room Concert, or tune into a celebrity’s Instagram live. The celebrities that are taking their talents online are not only offering entertaining distractions, but also making a positive impact on society.