Thinking about getting ink? Following a simple plan can make the process less intimidating for you and easier for the artist


Planning the process ahead of time can make getting a tattoo less intimidating.

Many may think that getting a tattoo is a daunting undertaking, but if the right steps are taken, it’s really a very simple procedure. 

The most common first step is deciding what one’s tattoo idea is. Tattoo artists recommend finding inspiration on the internet. Sites like Pinterest and Instagram have amazing pieces of art that one can draw ideas from. 

That being said, it is never acceptable to copy another artist’s exact piece of work. “Asking for a copy of an artist’s original design is the same as stealing their artwork,” Insider notes, and all respectable tattoo artists agree with this statement. 

Tattoo artists spend extraordinary time and effort to create a custom piece that their client and themselves are proud to present. Copying their artwork would be very disrespectful to the original artist and client. 

Seeking out an artist that one likes is arguably the most important step in this process. People should utilize Instagram and Google to seek out talented tattoo artists near them. They should also like the particular style the artist tends to draw in. That being said, if one appreciates all the artwork in the artist’s portfolio, it’s a good sign that that tattoo artist is the one for you. 

An important note to consider must be if they have pictures showing tattoos on darker skin. If an individual has fair skin, they don’t have to look out for this. For people of color however, how well the tattoo artist works on darker shades of skin is an important factor to consider. Additionally, convey to your artist your skin tone, and undertone so they can give you the best possible piece of work. 

It’s important to look at reviews for tattoo shops as well. Questions that should be answered should include: Is the place well kept?  and Are the artists friendly? No one wants to get a tattoo at an unhygienic spot. 

After finding an artist, contact them! Don’t be afraid to reach out via Instagram or email unless specified otherwise by the tattoo shop. 

The artist will most likely ask for a general idea of what the client envisions their tattoo to look like and will most likely want to schedule a consultation. 

This consultation is a sit down appointment, where the client and tattoo artist get to vibe each other out. They discuss the parameters of the tattoo, and all its intricacies. At this consultation, bring the references and try as best as possible to construe what you are looking for in this tattoo. The tattoo won’t be completed at the end of the session, but the artist gets to help imagine the piece with the client. 

A deposit is also required. This is giving money, simply to secure your spot when the big day of getting one’s tattoo comes around. Because the client is spending money to hold a spot, they must be on time for their appointment. 

Another important note is that clients should give their tattoo artists a little creative freedom. They aren’t mind readers, so the client’s idea won’t be exactly what they illustrate in their head. Not to worry, however; with the right artist, one’s idea will be brought to life. 

 When that date comes around, don’t be nervous. All the planning and effort will finally pay off once that ink meets the skin. There is the chance that the finalized drawing can have minor details adjusted, but larger changes might require another consultation session. 

On that special day “… it’s important to be healthy [and] hydrated,” according to Insider. Eat a good meal, and drink lots of water. This ensures the client is relaxed during the actual tattooing process, which often tends to take an hour or more depending on the size and complexity of the tattoo.

Once that beautiful piece of artwork is finished up, treat it like a new car. Keep it clean, and avoid extremely tedious activities. Also, avoid being in the sun for lengthy periods of time. If the piece gets sunburned in its infancy, it might be difficult to patch up. 

Listen to the artist’s instructions for hygiene regarding the tattoo. They know what’s best for the health and longevity of the tattoo. 

Many are intimidated by the tattoo process, but once the process is mapped out, it shouldn’t seem so overwhelming. Remember to trust the tattoo artist, and trust yourself. The idea doesn’t have to have meaning to anyone other than yourself.